Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Workin hard for my money

So many of the blogs I'm subscribed to are TTC related. I hope I don't drive you ladies nuts with my randomness and boring blogging about my life.

In any case, I haven't had much of a chance to blog much lately because I've been working a lot. Working helps keep my mind off of a lot of things going on. I'll admit I've been a little stressed out lately, but working and keeping busy has been pretty wonderful. Oh and considering my computer decides to have an attitude occasionally and wont turn on, blogging from my phone can be a little tedious.

I've been on the road with my husband working. We currently have no more employees. It's just him and I. For right now that's what is working best, why pay out when we can do it ourselves and make more money? I'm completely aware that at some point I'm not going to be able to crack fill, clean, sealcoat and line stripe parking lots and driveways. (or at least I hope!!) But in the meantime, I'm out there doing my thang! Pretty soon it will be winter and we will be plowing snow and shoveling sidewalks. Luckily we are taking applications and resumes for employees.

I definitely like working with Joe. Side by side we both have our best interests in mind and we don't dick off. We are out there working hard for the same goals and we make a great team. I like the fact that we can both, in a way, turn off the fact that we are married to get the job done... but at the same time we work better because we are a couple. I'm not sure if that made any sense!

So, I'm awaiting my SS reciever to get her final card in the mail. I'm excited because I hope she loves it. I think she will. I'm also stoked to start this next round which is color themed. Granted the color of the person I recieved is the one color I dislike - LOL - but it will be fun nonetheless. I'm going to send so much of this color, even I'll learn to like it! <3

Tomorrow I'm signing up for Volleyball. I think we are actually going to play tomorrow too. I'm excited and nervous all at once. I'm pretty out of shape, and I dont know anyone else there, but I played in highschool so I know what to expect... somewhat...

Well, that's all I've got for now.


  1. Reading about your life isn't boring or random! I like reading about everything. I'm just nosy.LOL
