Well, today is the start of a busy weekend and week. I'm just typing up a quick blog while I have a couple minutes, I'm waiting on Joe to go get a tanker filled up with sealer, then I have to run across the bridge to scout for DOT(Dept of Transportation - aka Troopers waiting to pull over anything and everything in truck form that looks suspicious so they can write lots'o'tickets and get the shit impounded). LOL! It's best to just avoid them to begin with!
Today we are sealing a bunch of driveways in a townhouse type development. At one point a few years ago we actually sealed a bunch of the driveways there as well as all the roadways. Well the community didn't have the money to do all the roads again, but a bunch of the townhouse owners contacted us again to do their driveways. I think we have 8 or so to do and we are going to put fliers up on all the neighbors doors to let them know we are in the area. Hopefully we can spend another day or two next weekend doing more of them.
We also have a huge job this week. We are Cleaning, Cracking, Sealing and Striping a condo complex in Washingtonville. Let me just start out by saying that this place is a TURD. T.U.R.D. There's cracks so big, kids can play with their matchbox cars in them, not to mention is is dirty! There are weeds growing from all the cracks and all along the curbs, the dirt is ridiculous and there's a decent amount of actual garbage floating around. It's sad that they haven't taken the time to take care of the place in all this time. There are more cracks than we can ever fill, so we're doing the best we can and going to hit the major and most important ones, but really, they need a miracle instead! The worst part is going to be the cleaning. Luckily we have to do it in small enough chunks because we need to take parking into consideration. We can only seal so much before it reaks havoc on the people who live there. But at the same time it will take a few extra days because of that too. In the end it shouldn't be too bad and the paycheck from it will be sweeeeeeeeeet.
Well, I'm headed out of here in a couple, it's going to be a long day, but a good day. At some point today I need to get to the store to get some opk's. I hope I can squeeze some time in there!