Well, it's been a hectic couple of days.
I attempted to update earlier today from my phone but for some reason I was having trouble with the app on my new phone. I FINALLY recieved my replacement Droid and got it up and running but was still in the process of downloading all the apps I had on the other one. Funny, blogger wouldn't work for anything! Did I mention my laptop didn't want to turn on for a few days? I finally got that working the other day.
Last night we had our final game, it was playoffs but since our team isn't very good and we ended up playing against the #2 team by previous team forfeits and cancellations from all the rain. The score ended up being 47 to 1. Yeh, really. It was a lot of fun and almost sad it's over. There are talks of "Fall Ball" being Sunday afternoons during the fall. I might sign up for it, but I'm not sure. I was even considering the idea of Volleyball that starts in October. My only concern is IF I do end up pregnant in the meantime? But on the other hand, if I don't sign up, and getting pregnant takes longer than I had anticipated... I don't want to cheat myself out of something I love (Volleyball). Ya know? I'll give it some time I suppose. Registration hasn't started yet.
Today I got up bright and ugly - 7am, got up, let the dogs out/in and curled up with Joe to snuggle and I fell back asleep (oopsies) until 8:30. I went to Lowes and went to the jobsite we've tried working on, until it rained for the past week straight! We did a little concrete patch and paint the walkway and stairs. We FINALLY finished it. Thank goodness!
We have a crack filling and linestriping job tomorrow and possibly Sunday. My mom is coming out tomorrow afternoon to go to the fair. She came last year, the fair is a lot of fun. My favorite parts are the animals and the food lol! Last year we got to see Jullianne Hough sing/perform, for free, in the 7/8th row. It was pretty cool!
Well, I'm officially 7dpo (days past ovulation). My little ticker on TMP says I can test in 6 days. I think I'm going to test in 7 days. Friday the 3rd. I'm undecided between Thurs or Fri. Thurs Joe will be around because it's before I leave for my little mini vaca with the family, Friday I'll already be there. Gah. I dont know. I've been kinda achey/crampy, not as irritable as usual but my lower back is kinda sore. We'll see. I can only hope for the best at this point.
Sometimes it's nice to escape our own world, and walk in the shoes of someone else, even if only temporarily. I often wonder myself if everyone else goes through the same struggles I do, or feels like I do.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
What. A. Day.
Today was crazy. I think crazy is an understatement.
I hate when I sleep in, but I could not for the life of me fall asleep last night. I think I finally fell asleep around 3am. So, by the time I wake up, make a cup of coffee and heat up some homemade chicken soup I made yesterday, my husband calls me and needs me to run some errands. Keep in mind, I thought it was just to sign some paperwork and pick up some insurance cards that is roughly 20 minutes away. Turns out I had to goto the bank to get some cash from a check that didn't clear yet, finally get that settled, go pick up the insurance cards and goto my favorite place in the world... DMV! I HATE DMV! We've had so many DMV issues lately with all the company vehicles. DMV sends my anxiety out of control. But surprisingly it all went well without a hitch which made me so happy! So, $505.06 later I have license plates (the new ugly state plates) for my FIL's GMC Envoy. My husband was running an errand to pick up the back hatch glass to replace the glass my FIL busted out the previous glass. The goal today was to get my FIL's Envoy on the road, glass put back in, and dropping the ridiculous thing off so my FIL can get off DH's ass. I get back with the registration, insurance and plates and Joe has the glass. Wouldn't you know the glass just has to be a royal pain. We had to unbolt the actual back hatch just to attempt to get the pins in to hold the glass on. The second pin wouldn't go through. Then the glass part of the hatch closed and the release button on the back isn't working. The hatch and the glass aren't going anywhere and with my FIL getting nasty on the phone, we just wanted to get it over to his house. As we're picking up the tools and closing up the truck, the back passenger door wont shut. It closes, but it wont latch shut. Seriously. We can't make this stuff up. So the day's stresses and work went pretty much all for nothing. Patience is a virtue. My virtue was tested today hardcore.
Another thing to add to my to do list is building a second chicken coop. The silkie chicks I got that are in my front room are getting too big for the cages they're in. I've already got one chicken coop and aviary type enclosure but the chickens in there are mix breed birds. The Silkie birds are a little bit fancier and should ideally be kept seperate. The other birds might pick on these guys too. I have two older Silkies already in with the mixed breed birds, they need to go in the second coop, they hold their own, but the rooster I just rehomed did not like the white Silkie, I think the white Silkie is a rooster, he's just not old enough to crow just yet. Here's a pic of them, the two Silkies outside are the black and white birds on the right, the rest are the mixed breed.

Well, just another thing on the to do list lol
To top the rest of the day off since it wasnt crappy enough... We ran out of oil so Joe ran out for 5 gallons to hold us off until we can get a delivery. He went in the ultra creepy basement to start the furnace up, since it was cranky and started to smoke I opened up the basement door to the dog yard so I could air it out and the basement door's hinges rotted off from the door frame.
I showered, made a cup of sleepytime tea and climbed into bed. I can't wait to just goto sleep and try again tomorrow...
Well, that's all for now... DH decided now is a good time to jump up and down on the bed... naked.
THIS is why we dont have kids yet LOL, he IS a kid.
I love that man.
I hate when I sleep in, but I could not for the life of me fall asleep last night. I think I finally fell asleep around 3am. So, by the time I wake up, make a cup of coffee and heat up some homemade chicken soup I made yesterday, my husband calls me and needs me to run some errands. Keep in mind, I thought it was just to sign some paperwork and pick up some insurance cards that is roughly 20 minutes away. Turns out I had to goto the bank to get some cash from a check that didn't clear yet, finally get that settled, go pick up the insurance cards and goto my favorite place in the world... DMV! I HATE DMV! We've had so many DMV issues lately with all the company vehicles. DMV sends my anxiety out of control. But surprisingly it all went well without a hitch which made me so happy! So, $505.06 later I have license plates (the new ugly state plates) for my FIL's GMC Envoy. My husband was running an errand to pick up the back hatch glass to replace the glass my FIL busted out the previous glass. The goal today was to get my FIL's Envoy on the road, glass put back in, and dropping the ridiculous thing off so my FIL can get off DH's ass. I get back with the registration, insurance and plates and Joe has the glass. Wouldn't you know the glass just has to be a royal pain. We had to unbolt the actual back hatch just to attempt to get the pins in to hold the glass on. The second pin wouldn't go through. Then the glass part of the hatch closed and the release button on the back isn't working. The hatch and the glass aren't going anywhere and with my FIL getting nasty on the phone, we just wanted to get it over to his house. As we're picking up the tools and closing up the truck, the back passenger door wont shut. It closes, but it wont latch shut. Seriously. We can't make this stuff up. So the day's stresses and work went pretty much all for nothing. Patience is a virtue. My virtue was tested today hardcore.
Another thing to add to my to do list is building a second chicken coop. The silkie chicks I got that are in my front room are getting too big for the cages they're in. I've already got one chicken coop and aviary type enclosure but the chickens in there are mix breed birds. The Silkie birds are a little bit fancier and should ideally be kept seperate. The other birds might pick on these guys too. I have two older Silkies already in with the mixed breed birds, they need to go in the second coop, they hold their own, but the rooster I just rehomed did not like the white Silkie, I think the white Silkie is a rooster, he's just not old enough to crow just yet. Here's a pic of them, the two Silkies outside are the black and white birds on the right, the rest are the mixed breed.
Well, just another thing on the to do list lol
To top the rest of the day off since it wasnt crappy enough... We ran out of oil so Joe ran out for 5 gallons to hold us off until we can get a delivery. He went in the ultra creepy basement to start the furnace up, since it was cranky and started to smoke I opened up the basement door to the dog yard so I could air it out and the basement door's hinges rotted off from the door frame.
I showered, made a cup of sleepytime tea and climbed into bed. I can't wait to just goto sleep and try again tomorrow...
Well, that's all for now... DH decided now is a good time to jump up and down on the bed... naked.
THIS is why we dont have kids yet LOL, he IS a kid.
I love that man.
The highlight of my day.
On TMP (The Mommy Playbook) I signed up for the SS (Secret Sender) that's currently going on. This round is where we send greeting cards via snail mail, emails and e-cards of support to fellow TTC'ers and such on the site. I don't know who go me, while the person I have that I'm mailing to doesn't know who I am. Well, I got my first snail mail card and it was PERFECT. It really cheered me up today and today was a perfect day for it. Today has been utterly stressful and I just want to crawl into pj's and bed and cry myself to sleep. But that's for another post, maybe.
Here's a pic of the card I got! <3
Here's a pic of the card I got! <3
Chelsea Lately.
I don't really have much to blog about tonight, I'm just relaxing in bed with Chelsea Lately on in the backround. I love that woman, she's hilarious. Loni Love is pretty funny too.
Today I shipped off the box of baby stuff to my cousin, I think she'll like the things I got for her. I had fun shopping for it. After I dropped off the box at the post office I ran over to Verizon Wireless. I have been having an issue with my Droid ever since I downloaded the software update the other day. Whenever I try to slide the keyboard out it freezes my phone. Mike, the guy at the service counter, tried a "patch" they put out for some of the little glitches that came with the new update, it didn't work. Then he did a complete factory reset, it didn't work. I got the phone in February and my worst fear was that it would cost me significant money to fix or replace it or I'd get screwed and just deal with a phone that does not work properly. BUT, it's within one year so they are shipping me a brand new Droid! It'll be here tomorrow or the day after, I'm sooo happy about that!!
While he was trying to reset my phone I went across the street to Adam's which is a local store, they have 3 locations here and 1 more being built. They get a LOT of local items and lots of local produce. It's a great store and they have amazing prices for produce and meat... some of the regular stuff is pretty expensive, like pasta sauce, soda, salad dressings... that sort of thing. Needless to say I spent $30 and walked out with a ton of things. I ended up making homemade chicken soup later on today because chicken was .59 a lb.
Today was also my FIL's 65th bday, waahoo Medicare, lmao. My husband worked the PD tonight until 8pm then picked me up and we went shopping for some clothes for his dad as he NEVER buys himself clothes and some of his things are looking a little ratty. We got him 4 pairs of jeans, 4 button up shirts, a 4 pack of pocket t's and a 13pk of white hankerchiefs. He's an old guy, he uses tons of those! LOL I think he'll appreciate it, at least I sure hope so. We were on our way to his house (he is a night owl, his hours are reversed compared to anyone else) and he called Joe and I guess wasn't in the mood for company, no matter how briefly. I was a little dissapointed. I think Joe was too, which sucks. Joe does so much for everyone and rarely gets any significant appreciation for it. A lot of it I'm not going to bother getting into at this point. I'm sure little by little I'll mention it here and there, mostly venting about it.
So, something about me that not many people know about is that my husband and I are TTC. (TTC = trying to concieve) Bare with me if I end up using many of the TTC/online terms for some things. I'll do my best not to, or to at least explain them. I'm sure someone will, at some point, read this. I stopped my birth control (BC) at the very end of December 2009. The past couple months, I'd say since June, we've actively been trying. It's a lot harder than I figured. Some people seem to get pregnant with the drop of a hat! Then there are many people who try, try, try. I don't really have all that many people IRL (in real life) that know we are TTC. Marissa, my best friend knows. My softball team knows. (Joe sponsors the team I play on, I joined bc our mutual friend Vicky asked me to.) And then Marissa suggested I join a forum so I have people to talk to, chat with, get advice from and somewhere to get questions answered. So I googled something like "TTC forum" and the site I ended up joining was right at the top of the list. I looked at a couple threads and immediately knew that that was the place for me. I joined July 28th. I'm so glad I did. Joe teases me from time to time because he is on similar style forums but they are geared towards contractors, one he has been on for forever is "lawnsite." He used to own a landscaping company but sold it, but he still goes on the site. So ultimately, my forum is a very of my "lawnsite." I love that man! He's adorable. The Mommy Playbook has been so helpful and it is full of wonderful and supportive women on there. I'm so thankful to have found it.
I guess that's all for tonight. I'm going to go see whats going on at TMP and goto sleep. Joe is so adorable laying in bed next to me snoozing. I love that man.
Today I shipped off the box of baby stuff to my cousin, I think she'll like the things I got for her. I had fun shopping for it. After I dropped off the box at the post office I ran over to Verizon Wireless. I have been having an issue with my Droid ever since I downloaded the software update the other day. Whenever I try to slide the keyboard out it freezes my phone. Mike, the guy at the service counter, tried a "patch" they put out for some of the little glitches that came with the new update, it didn't work. Then he did a complete factory reset, it didn't work. I got the phone in February and my worst fear was that it would cost me significant money to fix or replace it or I'd get screwed and just deal with a phone that does not work properly. BUT, it's within one year so they are shipping me a brand new Droid! It'll be here tomorrow or the day after, I'm sooo happy about that!!
While he was trying to reset my phone I went across the street to Adam's which is a local store, they have 3 locations here and 1 more being built. They get a LOT of local items and lots of local produce. It's a great store and they have amazing prices for produce and meat... some of the regular stuff is pretty expensive, like pasta sauce, soda, salad dressings... that sort of thing. Needless to say I spent $30 and walked out with a ton of things. I ended up making homemade chicken soup later on today because chicken was .59 a lb.
Today was also my FIL's 65th bday, waahoo Medicare, lmao. My husband worked the PD tonight until 8pm then picked me up and we went shopping for some clothes for his dad as he NEVER buys himself clothes and some of his things are looking a little ratty. We got him 4 pairs of jeans, 4 button up shirts, a 4 pack of pocket t's and a 13pk of white hankerchiefs. He's an old guy, he uses tons of those! LOL I think he'll appreciate it, at least I sure hope so. We were on our way to his house (he is a night owl, his hours are reversed compared to anyone else) and he called Joe and I guess wasn't in the mood for company, no matter how briefly. I was a little dissapointed. I think Joe was too, which sucks. Joe does so much for everyone and rarely gets any significant appreciation for it. A lot of it I'm not going to bother getting into at this point. I'm sure little by little I'll mention it here and there, mostly venting about it.
So, something about me that not many people know about is that my husband and I are TTC. (TTC = trying to concieve) Bare with me if I end up using many of the TTC/online terms for some things. I'll do my best not to, or to at least explain them. I'm sure someone will, at some point, read this. I stopped my birth control (BC) at the very end of December 2009. The past couple months, I'd say since June, we've actively been trying. It's a lot harder than I figured. Some people seem to get pregnant with the drop of a hat! Then there are many people who try, try, try. I don't really have all that many people IRL (in real life) that know we are TTC. Marissa, my best friend knows. My softball team knows. (Joe sponsors the team I play on, I joined bc our mutual friend Vicky asked me to.) And then Marissa suggested I join a forum so I have people to talk to, chat with, get advice from and somewhere to get questions answered. So I googled something like "TTC forum" and the site I ended up joining was right at the top of the list. I looked at a couple threads and immediately knew that that was the place for me. I joined July 28th. I'm so glad I did. Joe teases me from time to time because he is on similar style forums but they are geared towards contractors, one he has been on for forever is "lawnsite." He used to own a landscaping company but sold it, but he still goes on the site. So ultimately, my forum is a very of my "lawnsite." I love that man! He's adorable. The Mommy Playbook has been so helpful and it is full of wonderful and supportive women on there. I'm so thankful to have found it.
I guess that's all for tonight. I'm going to go see whats going on at TMP and goto sleep. Joe is so adorable laying in bed next to me snoozing. I love that man.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Ok, I've made this blog to have some sort of outlet to get out my thoughts and ideas, well, more thoughts than anything. I had/have a tumblr but got rid of it. I didn't like it. I have yet to determine if I really want to share this with anyone. I mean, if you think about it, we all hide a little bit of ourselves from everyone. There are some things that I just don't say outloud, it's usually better off that way. It keeps me out of trouble. Which is why I don't know if I want to share this with anyone I know. Do I just keep it completely random? Will that give me more freedom to expand on topics? Reveal how I feel about certin things or is that just reading into it way too much? Who the hell knows.
Well, today is a rainy Monday morning. I didn't get to sleep until about 3am and woke up at 9:30am because the Cintas uniform guy was here and I forgot to leave the dirty uniforms outside for him to pickup. I had them all ready but I guess I forgot and didn't think to do it because it was raining a lot last night. I will admit, if I don't need to go on the road I tend to sleep in a little bit. I often have a hard time going to sleep at night which is what ultimately causes me to sleep in. It's a tough habit to break, but I'm working on it... slowly.
On today's agenda... I need to run out to the post office to mail a package out to my cousin. Her baby shower was yesterday and I was originally going to go but I was having truck issues. My husband and I went out shopping last night to Target. Let's just say, I LOVE baby shopping. It was really fun doing it with him and we spent forever in the baby department! I had a hard time not buying two of everything! One for me, one for her! So we picked up some cute onsies, hooded towels, the mommy hook, a teether, pacifier wipes, baby wipes and some other random items. I at least was able to review the baby registry she had on Babies R' Us which was helpful, but I don't have one of those stores here that isn't 25minutes away from my house. I enjoyed doing the shopping because it really scratched that baby itch I've got going on.
We also bought one of those Keurig coffee machines. We used to rent one for the office a year ago and we absolutely loved it, my husband has been wanting to get one for some time now, but I haven't been able to set aside $110 and the time to pick one up for him. Any money I usually get goes right to groceries and critter food! I hate spending money. But we finally got one and we both are very happy with it. We picked up a box of the breakfast blend, but I also need to get some decaf. Joe often just drinks a regular coffee at night, then he's up really late. Not good. He even did it last night, he even commented on how he couldn't sleep and then 5 minutes later I heard him snoring. He's adorable!
So, post office today, then I really need to stop procrastinating and actually make some progress on laundry. I've been doing it, but then I'll leave a washed and dried load in the dryer for a day. Or when I set up shop on my bed to fold everything, I'll get lazy and put all the folded stuff in a basket next to the bed. I need to cut that out! lol
Little by little we've been working around the house. We bought our house as a temporary fixer upper. But we're nearly at the four year mark already. We fixed up the house so it was livable but the time has come where we need to paint the house again. Keep in mind we have 2 Great Danes who used to be COMPLETELY unruly. Max, the younger Dane has what I refer to as "happy tail syndrome." He gets so excited and happy that he wags his tail so hard that his splits open the tip of it to the point of it bleeding and hitting the walls and I do believe he has even broken it on occasion. It doesn't bother him much unless it's severely busted. I do my best to bandage him up but it's not always successful. Needless to say our back hallway that leads out to the back yard and dog area was a mess, the doors and trim which make up 96% of the back hall were painted white. Big mistake. We've recently repainted it all so the doors and trim are a dark brown and the walls are a lighter brown/tan. We are putting up a piece of paneling and trim to cover the lower half of the wall where they chewed the drywall. Bad dogs. Luckily they've gotten better. We are going to be painting the bathroom and kitchen the same colors. The bathroom doesn't need much prep work like the kitchen needs. I need to take all the small appliances out and everything off the counters in the kitchen because we need to sand down the drywall first before we can paint. I think the ceiling also needs a good scraping first.
Just seeing the little bit of progress we've made in the back hall makes such a difference. I'm finally feeling better about the house. It's going to take some time, a lot of de-cluttering, dumpster filling and work and cleaning to get this place back into shape, but I'm looking forward to it.
Well, today is a rainy Monday morning. I didn't get to sleep until about 3am and woke up at 9:30am because the Cintas uniform guy was here and I forgot to leave the dirty uniforms outside for him to pickup. I had them all ready but I guess I forgot and didn't think to do it because it was raining a lot last night. I will admit, if I don't need to go on the road I tend to sleep in a little bit. I often have a hard time going to sleep at night which is what ultimately causes me to sleep in. It's a tough habit to break, but I'm working on it... slowly.
On today's agenda... I need to run out to the post office to mail a package out to my cousin. Her baby shower was yesterday and I was originally going to go but I was having truck issues. My husband and I went out shopping last night to Target. Let's just say, I LOVE baby shopping. It was really fun doing it with him and we spent forever in the baby department! I had a hard time not buying two of everything! One for me, one for her! So we picked up some cute onsies, hooded towels, the mommy hook, a teether, pacifier wipes, baby wipes and some other random items. I at least was able to review the baby registry she had on Babies R' Us which was helpful, but I don't have one of those stores here that isn't 25minutes away from my house. I enjoyed doing the shopping because it really scratched that baby itch I've got going on.
We also bought one of those Keurig coffee machines. We used to rent one for the office a year ago and we absolutely loved it, my husband has been wanting to get one for some time now, but I haven't been able to set aside $110 and the time to pick one up for him. Any money I usually get goes right to groceries and critter food! I hate spending money. But we finally got one and we both are very happy with it. We picked up a box of the breakfast blend, but I also need to get some decaf. Joe often just drinks a regular coffee at night, then he's up really late. Not good. He even did it last night, he even commented on how he couldn't sleep and then 5 minutes later I heard him snoring. He's adorable!
So, post office today, then I really need to stop procrastinating and actually make some progress on laundry. I've been doing it, but then I'll leave a washed and dried load in the dryer for a day. Or when I set up shop on my bed to fold everything, I'll get lazy and put all the folded stuff in a basket next to the bed. I need to cut that out! lol
Little by little we've been working around the house. We bought our house as a temporary fixer upper. But we're nearly at the four year mark already. We fixed up the house so it was livable but the time has come where we need to paint the house again. Keep in mind we have 2 Great Danes who used to be COMPLETELY unruly. Max, the younger Dane has what I refer to as "happy tail syndrome." He gets so excited and happy that he wags his tail so hard that his splits open the tip of it to the point of it bleeding and hitting the walls and I do believe he has even broken it on occasion. It doesn't bother him much unless it's severely busted. I do my best to bandage him up but it's not always successful. Needless to say our back hallway that leads out to the back yard and dog area was a mess, the doors and trim which make up 96% of the back hall were painted white. Big mistake. We've recently repainted it all so the doors and trim are a dark brown and the walls are a lighter brown/tan. We are putting up a piece of paneling and trim to cover the lower half of the wall where they chewed the drywall. Bad dogs. Luckily they've gotten better. We are going to be painting the bathroom and kitchen the same colors. The bathroom doesn't need much prep work like the kitchen needs. I need to take all the small appliances out and everything off the counters in the kitchen because we need to sand down the drywall first before we can paint. I think the ceiling also needs a good scraping first.
Just seeing the little bit of progress we've made in the back hall makes such a difference. I'm finally feeling better about the house. It's going to take some time, a lot of de-cluttering, dumpster filling and work and cleaning to get this place back into shape, but I'm looking forward to it.
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